We've Moved!

The authors of FaE have relocated to the Beyond the Veil castle keep. BtV is now your one-stop blog for Samhain Publishing's paranormal and fantasy romance authors!

Come on over! Just be careful when you cross the moat. The mermaids are still getting settled in with the Cracken. The drawbridge might be a little slippery.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My book is out.

I'm babbling about this everywhere, too. I'm going to try to put a new spin on it for you lovely readers here at FaE, but really, this is just more of me freaking out and realising My Book...is OUT! Like you could buy it. Right now! (if you were so inclined, and I rather hope you are :)

But what I realised today was that I've felt rather in limbo waiting for this book to release. I mean, I call myself a Samhain author...but I had no book out. It was in edits, it had a cover, (which is effing gorgeous)...and yet...I just kept waiting for Crissy or Angie to notice me there and go "Huh? You?! Get out!" (not that they would. They're nice people, or so I see when I'm peering at them hoping they don't notice me)

Today, though, my book is out. And I've signed contracts for my second book! So they're stuck with me now :) And I finally feel like...I'm THERE. Not that all of the other 200 Samhain authors would know who the heck I am or anything...but at least I'm starting to sort of carve out my little niche.

It's a good feeling. To be somewhere good things are happening, with some really great people, and to feel Part of It All. I'm a happy camper today :)

Now, feel free to go buy my book ;)


Carolan Ivey said...

Woo HOOOOOO! Couldn't happen to a nicer lady, sweetheart.

Your cover rocks!

Jean Marie Ward said...

See, I told you it was all good. :-) Go {{{{Dayna}}}}! Hugs and cheers, Jean Marie

Dayna_Hart said...

Thank you. *wipes away tears*

Isn't my cover boo'ful? I love complimenting it because it doesn't sound at all stuck up like it would if I said the STORY was wonderful. (of course, it is...:D)

Thanks both of you for the handholding. Next one's in June 08...see you then ;)

Christine Norris said...


I'm right behind you...well, not physically behind you...oh, you know what I mean! And not like next week or anything.

I'm on that precipice. Carrie has threatened me with first-round edits any minute now, and I send my second contract in a couple of weeks ago. I'm waiting on tippy toes to see my first Samhain cover.

Enjoy it!

Gia Dawn said...

Major congratulations!
p.s. we loved you anyway