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Friday, August 31, 2007

Creature Feature: Arkan Sonney

Heeeere piggy piggy!

Today's Creature Feature is the Manx arkan sonney ("lucky piggy" in English), a magical, long-haired pig or hedgehog-like creature that's white with red ears.

(If you read enough legends and lore of northern Europe, you'll find many magical creatures are described as white with red ears - cows, pigs, dogs, etc. Why that is, I'm not sure, but I'll look into it.)

The arkan sonney can shapeshift - sort of. It can change its size but not its shape. If you can catch it - which is almost impossible - it is said it will bring you good luck. Well, heck, if you had everyone chasing after you in hopes of gaining fame and fortune, wouldn't you become a master escape artist, too? :)

1 comment:

Margo Lukas said...

How did you get a picture of me chasing my daddy's hogs?

Oh, wait, that can't be me. I used to panic when the hogs got out and grab things like the rain gutter and bend them all to heck.

Pigs are mean. Don't let anyone tell you different :)