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Monday, November 26, 2007


How many of us read Beowulf in high school?

Not me. I remember I read In Cold Blood and To Kill a Mockingbird. And more importantly I remember Shanna by Katherine E. Woodiwis. My senior literature teacher was a romance reader and thankfully shared her love for the genre with me!

My twins both read Beowulf this year and Nick wanted to see the film. I can’t say how closely the film was adapted from the classic. But Beowulf was a very good action/adventure fantasy. The animation was great! And the drama…such woes! There was plenty of swordplay, monster-slaying and a naked Angelina Jolie. Which I'm sure was the real reason Nick wanted to see it.

Basic plot Beowulf arrives to save the day. He takes out the monster Grendel. the beast's ruthlessly seductive mother, uses any means possible to ensure revenge.

The highlight of the show for me was when we walked outside. My barely 19 year old son looked at me. “I can’t believe Beowolf did that.”

“What? Slept with the gorgeous demoness Angelina?” I stared in surprise.

“Well, yeah. He was supposed to be the hero and he had it bad for the blond.”

I came away from the film a happy mom! And a satisfied movie goer.

Until later~

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