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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do wishes come true?

I know we all have those moments in life where something we've wanted or needed finally comes to pass. The contract, the baby, the house, the milestones by which we often measure our lives.

And I have to wonder...how many of us really believe those wishes come true by some magic of karma, or how much of us believe that it's simply a matter of hard work to accomplish a goal?

For example:
Hubby and I are expecting baby #4 in March. Granted, we were obviously doing That Activity which leads to a child's birth. (and that's as close as I'm ever getting to talking about my sex life on this blog, thankeemuch.) However, we'd been not-preventing childbirth since August...and found out we were pregnant the following July. It'd never taken that long before. So how much does little4 have to thank 'fate' for his/her existence...or does he/she just have to be grateful hubby and I hadn't stopped...well...yknow.

The contract for a book...how much do we say "oh thank goodness I got in front of such-and-such editor, because she loved it and accepted it and took it." (fate). And how much do we say "well, I subbed 900 stories in a year, one of them was BOUND to be accepted. (working hard pays off.)

I guess I fall between the two camps. I like to think that working hard produces the karma which results in good things. What do you think?

1 comment:

Rae Lori said...

The contract for a book...how much do we say "oh thank goodness I got in front of such-and-such editor, because she loved it and accepted it and took it." (fate). And how much do we say "well, I subbed 900 stories in a year, one of them was BOUND to be accepted. (working hard pays off.)

That's SO true! I never really thought about it but many writers jokingly say how it depends on the alignment of the sun and moon and the mood of the editors whether you get an acceptance or not but I think I kind of fall in both camps while leaning on the hard work.

If anything this business requires lots of persistance and hard work and a strong belief in yourself that you can reach that next milestone. A little bit of help from a higher power always helps to boost things, too IMO. Hehe.

Congratulations to your family on baby #4!! :-)

Rae L.