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Come on over! Just be careful when you cross the moat. The mermaids are still getting settled in with the Cracken. The drawbridge might be a little slippery.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ellora's Cavemen: Seasons of Seduction II (Viking's Pledge by Melany Logen)

I'm so excited!

Mista is terrified of her master, the warrior Raynor. Yet he has never touched her in any way, only offered her his protection. When he returns from a six-month voyage, however, his lust is uncontrollable—and Mista finds him irresistible. But a slave is not a suitable wife for a warrior, and her longing for her native Ireland is more than she can bear.

Raynor will give her anything, including her freedom. As the time approaches for her to return to her homeland, though, Mista realizes she might have given up the only home she knows—or wants.

Check it out!


Carolan Ivey said...

Hey, congratulations!! I always enjoy those EC anthologies. :)

Jean Marie Ward said...

Congratulations, Mel! You must be so pumped.
Cheers and bestselling wishes,

Melissa Lopez said...

Thank you, Carolan! You too, Jean Marie! I appreciate it. *Happily tosses confetti* I'm thrilled!


Becka said...

Sounds excellent, Melissa! Is one of those names your pen name? I didn't see "Melissa Lopez" on the cover. Unless I'm blind as a bat. There is always that possibility. LOL


Melissa Lopez said...

Thanks, Becka! Yes, I co-author Melany Logen. I'm thrilled! ~Mel