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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I seriously have no words

This is my fabulous new cover, created for me by the fabulous Anne Cain.


Jean Marie Ward said...

I can't see it on either IE or Netscape, and I LOVE Anne's work. *sniffles*

Jean Marie Ward said...

Oh WOW! I managed to find the image and blurb on the Samhain site (samhainpublishing.com/coming/go-between). I am blown away! Anne just keeps getting better and better. And we're going to be able to say she created covers for us back when. :D
Hugs and happy dances,

Carolan Ivey said...

I fixed it for you, Dayna!

GORGEOUS!! Even if I read nothing else about the book, I grab it for that cover. :)

Dayna_Hart said...

lol Carolan, Thank you, doll!

I didn't see you'd fixed it (my husband just called from work and said "I can't see it!") So, I've put in the larger version I had on photobucket.

I suppose I should've put the blurb up as well. I'll do that here!

Between two races that hate each other, at the doorway between two worlds, can Claire find the strength to be the emissary they all need?

Book One of The Curtain Torn series.

Halfway through her twenties, her divorce, and a bottle of rye, Claire opens her birthday present—a “pressed fairy” book.
One of the fairies is neither pressed, nor a picture. He’s the sinfully sexy Dell, who’s been trapped inside the book for twenty years. The moment Claire frees him, goblins attack her house. Dell and Claire’s only option is to use a “Between”—a rift between their worlds—to escape into the land of Fae.
There, Claire discovers the elven queen, Eliane, has a mission for her—one that has her keeping secrets from Dell. And ousting the goblins from her home is only the start.

Carolan Ivey said...

Oh good, I'm glad you did - the one I slapped up there was from the Samhain site and it wasn't very high-res. :) Congratulations, doll!

Carolan Ivey said...

Dayna, you have to tell us what scene in the book inspired the cover!

Tink said...

just one word: WOW!

Dayna_Hart said...

*s* Carolan, the excerpt is actually up on my site:

But this is the very opening, when Dell steps out of the book he's been imprisoned in for two decades.

oh I'm so happy :)

Bianca D'Arc said...

Anne completely ROCKS, doesn't she? That's just lovely! Congrats!!!

Gia Dawn said...
