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Monday, June 4, 2007

Quick and Easy Post :)

I decided today to start a new story in the next few weeks...and I'm using all of you for Market Research :)

So, if you could have a magic ability, or a combination of up to THREE...what would you pick?

Examples include:
ability to fly, telepathy, empathy, telekinesis...
The ability to light a fire with a single thought? To dematerialize and appear somewhere else?

Inquiring (mindblocked) minds want to know :)


Carolan Ivey said...

Hmmm, let's see...

The ability to communicate with living things like animals, trees, etc. Either through telepathy or through touch.

To be invisible at will (I think THAT would be fun!).

To be able to teleport instantly wherever I wanted to go. (Hmmm, think I'll visit New Zealand today. ZAP!)

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Um, I like the idea of telepathy. Although I'm not sure I want to know what everyone thinks about me.
Teleporting would be awesome too.
I'd also like to be able to control objects (telekinesis)
All of it with a supernatural flair of course.

Jean Marie Ward said...

Teleportation, definitely--though it would reduce plot tension to almost zero. I mean, how can you endanger a character who can zap him- or herself--or his or her opponent--someplace else in an instant?
Same goes for telekinesis. Would love to have it. Would make it hard to be threatened.
Finally, something I've always wanted: a babblefish to let me speak, read and write in all languages, including animal languages. Would make talking to the cat so much easier. :-)

Suzette said...

OK, I just had a conversation with my kids and some of their friends about this. We were actually using the tv show Heroes as our inspiration so I will go with some of what we said. I would love to be able to shift into whatever I wanted, mind control, and I have to admit, being able to fly. And like the witch and whitelighter in Charmed, would be awfully nice to teleport anywhere

Anonymous said...

Okay... how about...

Mind reader... but I don't want to hear all the voices, I want control of these powers and only read the minds of those I need/want to.

The ability to travel through time.

The ability to heal myself.