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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Thirteen ways to tell you're reading a fantasy book.

ThirteenWays to tell You're Reading a Fantasy Book

13. One of our names on the cover ;)

12. There is use of the word magic, majik, majyk, magyk, magyc, majick, or some other derivative thereof included inside the covers

11. Mages, magus, magi, magii, or any derivative used to describe a character with 'otherworldly powers' that you are NOT, under pain of death, to call magic.

10. Dragons, dragyns, wyverns, wyrms, or other winged, lizardlike critters.

9. Animals that talk *please note, this alone is not a valid test, as there are numerous books with talking cats. These are often not fantasy, but mysteries. I think it's done to confuse people.

8. It begins with Once upon a time

7. There is a prince, princess or king under a spell.

6. There is a quest to destroy the penultimate evil.

5. There is someone/something that represents penultimate good

4. Cover art with clouds, and a (preferably identifiable) lightsource shining through it. Even better if said lightsource is from a magic relic, character, or whatever else represents penultimate good in said book.

3. Names with apostrophes in odd places.

2. Names with more vowels than consonants...or better yet, no consonants

The number one way to tell if you're reading a fantasy?

1. Elves. Or, a human like race of magical creatures who are taller than average, generally blonde haired and pointy eared, and live for a very long time...and are NOT, under pain of death, called elves.


Gina Ardito aka Katherine Brandon said...

OMG, yes, the talking cat! Or dog, or giant rabbit. Or maybe I should cut down on my tequila intake...

Elle Fredrix said...

Number 2! You try a few times to figure out the correct pronounciation and then just give up and scim past it for the rest of the book.

Dayna_Hart said...

lol Gina!

Elle, I like Interesting names, but sometimes...we fantasy writers go a weebit over the top :) Thanks for coming by!

Crystal Jordan said...

I may have written a fantasy at some point that met all of these criterion except number 1. Is that bad?

Diana Castilleja said...

OMG! Those are histerical!! Love #3... And #2... I always, always see the apostrophe and loooooooong names. Too funny... :)

Shelli Stevens said...

Man I need to read some more fantasy books. Sigh.

Em said...

Funny list!

I need to read more fantasy!

Heather said...

Darn, that's where we went wrong.... A friend and I once (as in many, MANY moons ago) wrote a fantasy together, but though we had the prerequisite talking dragons and an evil magician, we missed the unpronounceable name rule. LOL

Great list!

P. Robinson said...

I love stories with 'Once Upon A Time'. Love magic too, no matter how it's spelled!

Christine said...

Um...yes to all of the above, except for the weird name thing. I use all authentic Medieval period names. Except for my modern, from this world teenage heroine. I have elves (but they're short), wizards, mermaids, flying horses, unicorns, and...dragons. And of course a pentultimate evil.

That's my first two books. My first book from Samhain (YA, coming in early '08) has none of that, but is definitely fantasy. Okay, there's some mention of magic. Gorgons, a Minotaur, a Sphinx and an enchanted book. See? Fantasy, with none of the Tolkein trappings :) Not an elf in the bunch. LOL

Cool blog, by the way.

Brenda said...

Once Upon a Time...anything always grabs my attention.

Bianca D'Arc said...

Oh! Great list!!! You know, I'm guilty of a lot of those numbered items, but I don't think I've ever started a story with "Once Upon a Time..."

Of course, now I HAVE to do it! Thanks for the idea! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever read any fantasy. Guess I need to start. Those names (from editing reviews) do throw me though. I'll have to come up with cute little nicknames for while I'm reading. ;)

Dayna_Hart said...

lol once you've used Once upon a time, you get to use the "twice upon a time" or "more than once in time long past"... ;)

Heather, how dare you forget the 'use only three letters of the alphabet to write 12-letter long names'? rule! You can be kicked out of the fantasy-writer cult for that :)

Thanks to everyone who's come by so far :)

Shari said...

I've always been partial to Gnomes. Do they count?